Finally! It’s Pay Day!

I had actually come to the conclusion that this day would never come and we would be stuck deciding whether to have beans on toast without the beans or without the toast every night till the end of time, but we have been saved (and it is a real rescue because I don’t actually like beans) because pay day is finally here!

Though money is always tight, I think we should go out for (a cheap) dinner tonight.  I can’t think when we last did something lovely and fivolous so this could be just what we all need to lift us out of the dull, grey of a miserable, skint winter.  Today, the sun shone, my mood lifted and we have money for dinner.

Only, I’ll need to put petrol in the car first because the light is flashing and I’m worried it’ll flatline before we even get to the petrol station.  I wonder how tricky it is to push it there?  And there’s a nursery payment due…

Ok, scrap going out for dinner.  It’s silly to go out when we really need the money, and we don’t need to go out to have a lovely night.  Rethink required – let’s get a takeaway pizza!  I’m sure there’s a voucher for one somewhere.  Mmmmm, some yummy pepperoni with a stuffed crust.  Cannae beat it!

Mind you, I have the phone bill payment that bounced to deal with, and I need new printer ink for work – my poor helpers are struggling to make out the faintest of faint grey font as it is.  People are starting to talk about birthday parties at nursery too so it’s present time, and we really ought to start paying back my dad for the tax bill.

Right, it’s fine.  We’ll go get something special from the shops.  Maybe even the M&S Dine In offer.  See!  Not only would that be tasty but it’ll be healthier than all that oily junk food you get in restaurants and takeaways these days.  Who needs to spend 33 ProPoints values on 3 slices of pizza?  And we’ll be helping to keep our arteries clean and clear.  It’s definitely the best option.

Though, that suspiciously pink letter from the factors arrived today, and, although I haven’t been brave enough to open it, it’s not looking good.  I should probably try to put “something” onto my credit card too.  Make a tiny dent in its balance. After all, it’s important to keep chipping away at these things.  A tenner a month is going in the right direction, isn’t it?

Which I suppose means, being realistic (and I’m totally happy about this), the Dine In option is out the window.  It would probably just be a tasteless, pre-packed meal with flaccid veg, grey meat and definitely nothing chocolatey or toffee-ish enough for dessert.

Fine.  There’s nothing else for it.  I’m just going to have to rely on a lottery win.  Until then, I’d better go dig the beans back out of their hiding place.  Roll on next pay day…

Oh, and could anyone loan me a pound for the lottery?  Anyone?

7 responses to “Finally! It’s Pay Day!

  1. I love beans on toast my mum always says that beans are just as nutricious and good for you as steak is, not sure how true that is but hey it tastes good.
    Just prescribed to your blog 🙂

    • Lol, beans on toast is okay if I cover it in cheese (which means buying cheese). I do agree that they’re nutritious which is why we always have them, I just don’t really enjoy a plate of toast with beans on the side, and I’m not keen on beans on top because it makes the toast soggy. Yes, I am weird!

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