Gaelic Medium Mum

My 4 year old son is off to school this year.  Where on earth did all the time go?!  For a lot of different reasons we have decided to enrol our son in the Glasgow Gaelic School – even though we do not (yet) have Gaelic at home, and so he also goes to a local Gaelic nursery at the moment.  Because I love to compartmentalise everything, I have a separate blog about our experiences of Gaelic Medium Education which you can find at so that if you have no interest in these things you won’t find them cluttering up your dashboard (or whatever it is that the clever folk call it).

Please feel free to stop by and have a look.

2 responses to “Gaelic Medium Mum

  1. Thanks for explaining there are two blogs! I read both on my phone where it’s harder to read pages and and followed the twitter for the other one with a comment on this. Was just looking at them thinking I had gone a bit mad! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Bambina Babbles « Tea&Biscotti·

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